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              The Enabling Act                   
         Background Information             




        Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply

       and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 and PC78. 


For those interested below you will find a range of background information on the work done by the CBRRA to date on this issue:


Auckland Council had initially accepted submissions on the Plan Changes until 29 September 2022 only.  The attached document summarised the CBRRA's thinking on PC78 and also encouraged residents to make a submission. The full document, which may be of interest, can be viewed by clicking the button below:







Here is an outline of the consultation process which lead up to the September 29th deadline for submissions:

The Auckland Council held a public consultation process on the effects of the Government's 'Enabling Bill' on housing intensification in Auckland. Many local residents took the opportunity to make a submission! You can read a full summary of the consultation feedback received by Auckland Council here at ​The CBRRA submission supported the need for infrastructure constraint to be a qualifying matter in areas such as Cockle Bay. The CBRRA was not alone! The Council notes that 'The Submitters gave strong backing (70 per cent) for having a qualifying matter, or an exemption, to limit required intensification in areas with long-term and significant infrastructure constraints, such as for transport, water, or wastewater.' The Next Steps Are: ​1. An Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) will consider all submissions and hear directly from people who submitted. The IHP will then make recommendations to the Council on the necessary changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan. 2. The Council will then decide to accept or reject the IHP recommendations. If a recommendation is rejected, the Minister for the Environment will make the final decision.

The following information explains the earlier submission process        which was completed on the 9th May 2022.

Auckland Council was required by legislation to introduce plan changes that will permit increased housing intensification eg three homes, each three storeys (up to 12 metres in height) to be constructed on single sites acoss much of the Single House Zone in the city, including all of Cockle Bay (except for a small coastal fringe) without the need for a Resource Consent. The CBRRA was concerned about the proposed increase in housing density in Cockle Bay (and Howick, Mellons Bay and Shelly Park) given our already very limited infrastructure and fragile environment. Auckland Council asked for submissions to be made on these intensification proposals.  The additional information below is a Discussion Paper prepared by Mr Laurie Slee, Chair of the CBRRA and an analysis of the hydrological and environmental implications of the proposed increased intensification on Cockle Bay prepared by Mr Yuva Adhikary, Drainage and Environmental Engineer.

Hydrological and Environmental Implications of Housing Intensification to the Single House Zone Suburb of Cockle Bay. 

This document was prepared by Mr Yuva Adhikary who is a professional Drainage and Environmental Engineer of over 43 years experience working at a senior level on multi-million dollar projects in New Zealand, Australia and Nepal. He has been recognized as a drainage engineering expert by the New Zealand Environment Court.

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